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창끝전투 Small Warfare Society
무기체계, 싸우는 방법, 부대의 조직과 편성에 대한 연구를 통해 소부대 군사혁신(RMA)을 선도합니다

창끝전투 연구진 게재논문

[무기체계] 군사혁신(RMA)측면에서 바라본 우크라이나군의 지능화 전투사례 연구

관리자 입력 2024-07-14 15:39 읽음 1,073

조상근 연구원님께서 2023년 발표한 논문입니다. 

*요약: Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Many military experts predicted that Russia 

could defeat Ukraine within a week, but the Ukraine-Russia War has not been going as expected. 

Indeed, Ukraine military has been defending well and seems to fight more efficiently than Russian 

military. There are many reasons for this unexpected situation and one apparent thing is due to 

artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This study focused on AI-enabled combats that the Armed 

Forces of Ukraine has carried out around Siverskyi Donets River, the Crimean Peninsula, and suburbs 

of Kyiv. For more systematic analysis, the revolution in military affairs (RMA) theory was applied. 

There are four significant implications inferred by studying current Ukraine-Russia War. First, AI 

technologies are effective even in the current status and seems to be more influential. Second, 

hyper-connected network by satellite communications must be needed to enhance the AI weapon 

effects. Third, military AI technologies should be based on the civil-military cooperation to keep up 

with pace of technological innovation. Fourth, AI ethics in military should be seriously considered and 

established in the use of AI technologies. We expect that this study could help ROK Armed Forces to 

be modernized in the revolutionary fashion, especially for manned and unmanned teaming (MUM-T) 


*Keywords: Ukraine-Russia War, Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI-Enabled Combats, Revolution in 

Military Affairs (RMA), Hyper-Connected Network, Civil-Military Cooperation, AI Ethics, Manned 

and Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T)

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정보통신망법 제50조의2 (전자우편주소의 무단 수집행위 등 금지)
  1. 누구든지 전자우편주소의 수집을 거부하는 의사가 명시된 인터넷 홈페이지에서 자동으로 전자우편주소를 수집하는 프로그램 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집하여서는 아니된다.
  2. 누구든지 제1항의 규정을 위반하여 수집된 전자우편주소를 판매·유통하여서는 아니된다.
  3. 누구든지 제1항 및 제2항의 규정에 의하여 수집·판매 및 유통이 금지된 전자우편주소임을 알고 이를 정보전송에 이용하여서는 아니 된다.
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