[싸우는 방법] Army Future Experts’ Prediction about Near-Future Climate X-event
입력 2024-07-15 08:48
읽음 937
조상근 학회장님께서 2023년 발표한 논문입니다.
*Abstract: The future is complex and unpredictable. In particular, it is unlikely to occur, but once it occurs, no one
knows how it will affect our society if X-event, which has a tremendous impact, is created. This study was
conducted only in the climate field to offset the ripple effect of this X-event, and was conducted through indepth interviews with experts from the Korea Army Research Center for Future & Innovation and the Army
College. As a result, it was possible to explore what factors would trigger X-event from their discourse and
what X-event would be newly created by spreading them to other fields. Starting with this study, if we
accumulate the discourse of experts in various fields such as population, science and technology, as well as
climate, and other fields other than the Army, we can predict X-event and offset the threats that may arise.
*Keywords: X-event, Climate, Global Warming, Food Shortage, Conflict, Korea Army Research Center for Future &
Innovation, Army College.
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