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창끝전투 Small Warfare Society
무기체계, 싸우는 방법, 부대의 조직과 편성에 대한 연구를 통해 소부대 군사혁신(RMA)을 선도합니다

창끝전투 연구진 게재논문

[조직·편성] Case study on the utilization of women in the Ukrainian military

관리자 입력 2024-07-17 09:07 읽음 860

김종훈 연구원님이 2023년 발표한 논문입니다.


Experts are concerned about the lack of troops and security vacuum due to the low birth rate in the Republic 

of Korea. They consider policies to expand the proportion and role of female soldiers to address these issues. 

In this regard, We would like to introduce the successful use of female personnel in the Ukrainian military and 

draw implications for the Korean military. This will provide a clue to offset the shortage of troops in the 

Republic of Korea.

Keywords: Female workforce, female workforce in the Ukrainian military, strengths of women, expansion of female 

military enlistment, civil-military convergence, utilization of female workforce in future warfare

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