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창끝전투 연구진 게재논문

[무기체계] Case Study on the Trends of North Korean Strategic UAV Satbyol

관리자 입력 2024-08-31 12:46 읽음 788

서강일님께서 2023년에 투고하신 논문입니다.

요약: After ‘emphasizing the development of the precision reconnaissance drone’ in 2021, North Korea unveiled two strategic drones in July 2023, just two years later. Despite the majority of experts offering negative assessments and stating that “the performance may not be good,” North Korea can be seen as having not only enhanced its routine surveillance capabilities through strategic drones but also possessing limited long-range strike capabilities. In other words, although the performance of North Korea's strategic unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), namely the 'Satbyol-4' and '9' models, may not match that of U.S. drones, they appear to play a significant role in offsetting North Korea's considerable aerial and surveillance inferiority compared to the joint forces of South Korea and the United States. Based on these trends, North Korea seems to be concentrating on drone development to counterbalance its considerable aerial power and surveillance capabilities deficit compared to the joint forces of South Korea and the United States, especially as the global use of drones continues to increase

주제어: Precision, Reconnaissance, North Korea, Satbyol, Development, Strategic

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